Best wishes, from all of us to all of you

If 2020 has been one thing, it has been memorable.

The team at the Cambridge News and Te Awamutu gathered this week as we prepared our final editions of 2020 to reflect on the challenges, the highs and the lows.

It’s been a pleasure and a privilege for me to get back to Good Local (pun intended) news reporting and filling pages with news about people you know and stories that reflect our community.

They reflect our community because they are part of it.

You have read the words of Viv Posselt, Steph Bell Jenkins, Julie Guest, Peter Carr, Murray Smith, Peter Matthews, Matteo di Maio, Deb Thurgood, Ryan Fleming, Harriet Dixon, Ben Carey and Jeremy Smith throughout the year – and I for one have marvelled at their versatility and ability to find news and or make us think.

Your sports codes have been served brilliantly by the likes of Josh Easby, Sheryll Whitt, Harriet Lamb, Justin Miezenbeek, Dave Peters and Nigel Kewish. Photographer Arthur Uden has always been happy to share his superb work.

Thanks to you, our readers, for coming along for the ride, to our staff for getting your papers to you – and to our advertisers. They make it all possible.

We look forward to 2021 and doing even better. We will remain local and we will continue to set the bar for quality reporting in Waipā.

Cheers, from our team.

The News will be back in your letters boxes on January 14. In the meantime, the team is taking a well-earned break – but if you want to get in touch with us over the Festive Season, call News Director Roy Pilott on 027 4500 115.

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