Middle school band rock the stage

Cambridge Middle School Band “Reckless” – which includes Jack Beaumont, Madi Roberts, Dylan Lake, Logan Smith, Molly Macdiarmid, Ayana Killian, Saoirse Herewini, Shevaun Duffy, Dania Rizal and Declan Mulligan – have made the top three of this year’s Bandquest competition.

Cambridge Middle School rock band “Reckless” has made a name for itself as one of the top ensembles in this year’s Bandquest.

The Waikato-wide music competition sees intermediate-age bands battle it out for the supreme title, organised by the team behind the secondary school competition Rockquest.

The ten-student band won third overall to earn a $100 Rockshop voucher for their school. Singers Madi Roberts and Shevaun Duffy also placed first for best female vocals.

It came just a few days after the band took part in a similar regional competition called Bandslam, where Dania Rizal won best keyboardist and Madi Roberts placed third for best female vocalist.

“This is a group of students are so passionate about their craft and this shows through when they get up and rock the stage,” said their music teacher Anna Johnson said. “Not only do they make sure they have their own parts mastered but they are also so supportive of each other and make a great team. I am so proud of their efforts.”

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